The latest local news stories from your community. Got a story?
Britain needs to reverse the “self-inflicted wound” of Brexit, according to Herefordshire’s Green MP.
A plan to build 25 homes in a Herefordshire village has been put forward for a second time.
Police investigating affray in Hereford are appealing to a witness to come forward.
Plans to turn two central Hereford houses into short-term bedsits for vulnerable people in the county, and to install a shipping container for the same use, have been put forward.
A former dentists in a Herefordshire village is set to become a two-bedroom home.
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High: 8°C | Low: -2°C
Medium-level cloud
High: 8°C | Low: 1°C
Medium-level cloud
High: 8°C | Low: -2°C
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