The fate of plans to build 245 homes near sewage works in Gloucester will be decided by a planning inspector.
Gladman Developments applied for planning permission to build the new houses at Hill Farm in March 2020.
However, they have now lodged an appeal for non-determination and any decision will be subject to a planning appeal.
The developers say their overall vision for the 30 acre site is to provide a distinctive and high quality place, which responds to the existing site setting and character of the west of Gloucester.
“The scheme will provide up to 245 dwellings which would be comprised of a range of house types to meet the needs of the area, whilst respecting and enhancing the site’s boundaries and adjacent land uses.
“Housing will be complemented by open space which will link into the existing public footpath network in the vicinity of the site, which lead both into Hempsted village and the wider local area,” planning documents read.
“This will help to shape the development to fit within the local landscape and produce strong connections with the existing communities.”
However, city councillors are concerned about the proposed housing development’s close proximity to Netheridge Sewage Treatment Works.
Councillor Jeremy Hilton (LD, Kingsholm & Wotton) says it is disturbing that the timing of the appeal coincides with the council’s consultation on the city plan and the policy which previously protected the land from development.
“It’s many months since Gladmans Developments applied for planning permission to build 245 houses at Hill Farm. A proposal that Westgate Lib Dems fundamentally oppose,” he said.
“Months ago the council should have taken the application to the planning committee to determine it, with a recommendation to refuse. They didn’t. One wonders why!
“All this dithering by Gloucester City Council has given the applicants an excuse to lodge an appeal.
“The ‘vanishing council’ has once again failed the many objectors who opposed the building of houses on this lovely landscape, which is on the southern approach to Hempsted.
“The timing of the appeal is disturbing as it also coincides with council’s public consultation on the proposal to soften the policy on the Cordon Sanitaire, which previously protected this land in close proximity to Netheridge Sewage Treatment Works.
“It is important that everyone who objected, does so again by forwarding their reasons to the planning inspector. The city council cannot access these records due to the cyber attack.”
To comment on the proposals people can do so by clicking here and search the appeal reference APP/U1620/W/22/3296510. Otherwise people can send their comments to Aisosa Charles-Enoma, The Planning Inspectorate, 3J Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN.
All representations must be received by 5pm June 10, 2022. All representations must quote the appeal reference. APP/U1620/W/22/3296510