Conservative councillor Alan Preest has been elected as chairman of Gloucestershire County Council.
The Lydney councillor succeeds Ray Theodoulou who has stood down from the council.
His deputy for the year will be Tetbury councillor Stephen Hirst.
Council leader Mark Hawthorne proposed councillor Preest for the position of leader, this was seconded by councillor Phil Awford.
Councillor Hawthorne said: “I have known Alan for many years. He is a good friend and colleague even through that time he was batting for the purple party as a Ukipper.
“Alan will do anything for his community and if you go around Lydney you are stopped on every corner by someone who knows and respects Alan.
“He will make an excellent chairman of this council and ambassador for this this county.”
Councillor Preest said the former chairman will be a very hard act to follow.
“It’s been an absolute privilege to have supported Ray over the last two years,” he said.
“Whether it was face to face meetings or the challenges of remote working brought on by the Covid crisis, Ray has coped at all times admirably.
“With his financial acumen and expertise, Gloucestershire County Council will miss councillor Ray THeolodou and I wish him all the best in the future.
“We represent a wonderful and diverse and simply special county.
“There is no doubt that we will have robust political debate over the next few years.
“But let’s try and embrace positivity and let’s try and have smiles on our faces.
“And we must never forget that at the end of the day we have been elected by the people to serve the people of what is glorious Gloucestershire.”
Outgoing chairman Theodolou said it has been a great pleasure to serve the council for so many years.
“But the time has come to give the dear electors a rest,” he said.
He thanked council officers for the support he has had over the years and fellow councillors.
Cllr Hawthorne also thanked councillor Theodolou for his long service to the county.
“We are very grateful for your time as chair and I know you will enjoy your retirement but will keep in touch with all of us on a regular basis.”