Monmouthshire's Passenger Transport Team is inviting residents to help shape the future of local bus services around the town of Chepstow.
The team will offer drop-in sessions at Bulwark Community Centre on Monday 4th June from 10am to 2pm and 4pm to 6pm.
The bus services, known collectively as the C Service, offer vital provision for residents of all ages and the team would like to hear from as many people as possible in a bid to improve them. The services comprise C1 (Thornwell/Chepstow/Tesco), C2 (Chepstow/Bulwark) and C4 (Chepstow/The Danes).
The drop-in sessions will also be an opportunity to share thoughts and ideas with the team about what other areas the service could cover.
A short online survey is also available for residents unable to attend the drop-in sessions: log
County Councillor Bryan Jones Cabinet Member for Transport and County Operation said: "I encourage residents to come along and share their views. Public transport is a lifeline for many people and we would like to find out how they feel currently and what they would like to see in the future."