County education leaders have submitted plans to expand an outstanding Hereford school.
Herefordshire Council has asked itself permission to expand Marlbrook Primary School and build a new car park and better pedestrian access.
Council leaders agreed last May to invest £4.6m to expand what is one of the county’s most popular schools.
They say the investment will lead to an increase of 50% more pupils, bringing the total up from 60 to 90, providing the plans are approved.
An extra 53 car parking spaces would also be built, and the scheme will provide additional classrooms.
Headteacher Tracey Kneale, said she was delighted that the plans to expand the school were finally coming to fruition.
“Our children were delighted to be involved in the planning stages and can now look forward to organising their learning environment, not just for their own benefit, but for generations to come – it will be a fabulous legacy for them to pass on to their peers and the rest of the community.”
Local ward councillor Conservative Paul Rone praised the school at the time funding was approved for its expansion.
“It’s no ordinary school, it’s no ordinary headteacher, and the same could be said about the staff, the parents, volunteers and the pupils,” he said.
“What we’ve got here is an Ofsted outstanding school looking to expand the intake of pupils.
“This school welcomes children that live in some of the most deprived areas in the country.”
Ofsted inspectors rated the school as outstanding after their last visit in 2009.
The school has been consistently oversubscribed since 2011 and extra permanent and temporary accommodation was provided for the school to take in more children.
Residents have until March 7 to comment on the proposals.
Council planners are expected to consider the scheme by May 13.