The latest local news stories from your community. Got a story?
A rethink on the 20 mile per hour limit could be considered on “several” roads in one part of Gwent following feedback from residents.
More than 1,000 homes missed garden waste collections they pay £55 a year for when a council changed its rounds.
Local representatives need to be kept up to date with the findings of a study intended to ease congestion on a major roundabout.
Talks are ongoing over a potential new school for Chepstow councillors have been told.
Just seven parking tickets were issued on a high street where drivers have been parking “when and where they want” all last year.
Opposition councillors inflicted a defeat on Monmouthshire council’s ruling administration over its budget plans ahead of a key vote.
There will be no racing at Hereford today due to flooding on the track.
A council has said it cannot provide any further information on dogs seized from an animal sanctuary due to ongoing criminal proceedings.
A row erupted when a senior councillor accused of a member of the public invited to ask a question at a meeting of having told “a lie” about her.
A proposal to add an extra Welsh word to a constituency name has been made – a councillor opposed to dropping the English language was told.
Local farmers are staging what they're calling a 'National Day of Unity' - urging the government to reconsider changes to inheritance tax.
A pub will have to produce a noise impact report if it wants to hold weddings on its lawn following a complaint from a couple who live a mile away.
A ‘great big hole’ in a council’s draft budget has been questioned as it was approved for the public to comment on.
A council has said it isn’t “flogging off” one of its area’s “well loved” tourist attractions under budget plans to save £5 million.
There is uncertainty over whether one Gwent council will remain a member of partnership to support schools across the region.
Cross-border red tape delays are causing an “unacceptable clinical risk” for patients, a GP has told a parliamentary committee.
A man was found to be maintaining a cannabis farm with a crop worth more than £180,000 at a disused shop in a Monmouthshire town centre.
Campaigners who battled for more than a year to save a day centre from closure have held their first meeting inside the building since taking it over.
A former funeral director’s building could be used as holiday let accommodation rather than traditional bedsits it has been claimed.
Rock band Kula Shaker are the latest act announced for this summer's Lakefest at Eastnor Deer Park.
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