Monmouthshire County Council is searching for new members for the Monmouthshire Local Access Forum.
Do you have an interest in public rights of way and countryside access?
The forum provides advice on the improvement of public access in the county for open-air recreation and enjoyment and it advises and assists with the implementation of the council’s Public Rights of Way Improvement Plan.
Members of Local Action Forums are volunteers and include a range of people from the local community, including landowners and land managers, access users and those representing other interests, such as health and conservation.
Councillor Richard John, Cabinet Member for Children & Young People and MonLife, said:“Membership of the local access forum provides a great opportunity for those with knowledge and experience of countryside access issues in Monmouthshire to use that expertise to advise the council and other bodies on countryside access and recreation.”
The forum meets at least quarterly. Members are appointed on a personal basis, according to their knowledge, skills or experience of access to the countryside, including the interest of all users and owners/occupiers. Forum members will be able to claim reasonable expenses.
The council is hoping to find members who will be able to contribute to the forum for the next 3 years.
To be considered for membership please contact:
Monmouthshire LAF Secretary,
Countryside Section,
PO Box 106,
NP26 9AN.
Tel: 01633 644850
e-mail: countryside@monmouthshire.gov.uk
or more information and application forms can be downloaded from www.monmouthshire.gov.uk/monmouthshire-local-access-forum/
Completed forms are required by 18 September 2019.