The street in Herefordshire that yields the most in parking fines has been revealed.
In the financial year to the end of last March, Broad Street in Hereford brought in £40,030.36 in penalty charge notices (PCNs – that is, parking fines) to Herefordshire Council’s coffers.
This came from 1,492 individual PCNs, or more than four a day, averaging £26.83 in value, according to a council response to a freedom of information request.
“The violations were all parking violations,” the council confirmed.
This surpasses the number of fines held by the previous year’s “winner”. A similar request a year ago found that 1,341 PCNs were issued in the city’s Union Street in the year to March 2022.
But these were more remunerative for the council, yielding a total of £47,404, an average of £35.35 per ticket.
This suggests more drivers are paying promptly. Fines of £50 or £70 are to be paid within 28 days, but if paid within 14 days the sum is halved.
Why the total should be an odd amount is unclear.