More than 50 new apartments and bungalows are set to be built in the expansion of a retirement living scheme on the outskirts of Shrewsbury.
Proposals by Wrekin Housing Group to extend its Shire Living Extra Care scheme, The Coppice in Bicton, have been given the green light by Shropshire Council planners.
A separate outline application for two business units next to the complex has also been approved, and the buildings will be earmarked for health or medical industry use.
The plans for The Coppice include a block of 28 new purpose-built retirement apartments with a bridge link to the existing main building, as well as 26 one and two bedroom bungalows, which will all be classed as ‘affordable’ housing. Parking provisions and landscaped gardens will also be extended.
Bicton Parish Council objected to the plans along with two members of the public, who raised concerns over the turning into the site off Holyhead Road and insufficient public transport links. There was also one letter of support and one neutral comment.
The site is earmarked for development as part of the Shrewsbury West Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE).
A report by planning officers said: “The proposed development is acceptable in principle, providing 100 per cent affordable extra care and supported living accommodation for the elderly in a location identified within the SUE West plan for such use.
“A safe means of access, adequate parking and measures to promote sustainable travel from the site will be provided subject to compliance with the recommended conditions.
“The policy compliant amount of open space and satisfactory landscaping and ecological enhancement will also be provided.
“The proposal is considered to be acceptable in layout, scale, and design, in keeping with the appearance of the existing development.
“The proposal would have no significant adverse impact on existing residential amenity and will provide satisfactory living conditions for future residents.”
Contractors Jessup Brothers are expected to start on site this month.
Jane Johnson, project manager for Wrekin said: “We’re delighted to receive planning to extend The Coppice and further develop what is already a vibrant and popular place to live.
“The additional homes will provide much needed accommodation for older people in the Bicton area.”
More detailed plans will be drawn up for the two commercial units once an end user has been identified, and these will need to be approved before work can start on that element of the scheme.
The units will be restricted to health and medical use, in line with the SUE master plan’s aspirations for a ‘health campus’, complementing existing businesses nearby.
The developer will also be required to make a financial contribution to the construction of the proposed North West Relief Road.