There are plans to convert at a closed pub north of Leominster into a home.
The owners of the Baker’s Arms in Orleton, which dates back to the late 1700s, have submitted plans to convert it into a home and annex.
They say the pub struggled with trade after the community run Boot Inn reopened in the centre of the village.
And the Baker’s Arms closed its doors in December 2019.
A consultant working on the scheme said it was clear that a small village such as Orleton could only support one pub.
“The residents of Orleton have chosen to support The Boot Inn which is in the centre of the village. “Trying to keep two pubs open in Orleton could ultimately undermine the viability of both.
“The proposal respects the character and scale of the premises assisting to preserve a local heritage asset which is otherwise threatened by the loss of the existing use.”
Mark Haslam from Herefordshire Campaign for Real Ale said: “CAMRA will be making a full submission to the planners in due course.
“At this early juncture we are keen to ensure that efforts to market the pub for sale as a going concern have been fully exhausted before an alternative use is considered. This is a key requirement of the relevant planning policies.
“It is also important to understand what the view of the local community and former pub-users is to this proposal.”