A former clinic is the latest property in the historic heart of Hereford to be put forward for conversion into a home.
The plan submitted by Paul Rone of Hereford Property Investments is to turn the former hearing centre and laser clinic at 63 St Owen Street into a single-bedroom flat.
Dating from the mid-18th century, the building is grade II listed, meaning listed building consent must also be granted for the conversion.
With “increasing demand” for housing within the city, and the “uncertain future” of shopping, the proposed change “would safeguard its preservation as a key listed asset”, the application says.
The front of the building “would remain unaltered in order to the respect the historic streetscape”, with the current glazed front doorway and large display window retained, the latter with new secondary acoustic glazing, it explains.
External changes would mostly be confined to the rear of the property, which is “currently in a state of disrepair”, though an outbuilding in the rear garden would remain unaltered.
Internally, the “segregated and inefficient” layout is to be simplified, with modern partition walls removed to allow light from both front and back into the bedroom and living space, the two separated by a “new, low-impact, slatted wall”.
Comments on the applications, numbered 230071 (planning permission) and 230072 (listed building consent) can be made until March 9.