More than 170 residents have so far objected to plans to demolish a Hereford pub and replace it with a Co-op.
NewRiver, who own the Broadleys on Ross Road, have submitted the proposals to Herefordshire Council which also include a cash machine, landscaping, car parking and changes to the site’s access.
Residents have until February 7 to comment on the scheme and a public meeting is being held on Sunday for people to air their views on the pub’s future.
Landlady Rachel Lunnon said she is expecting a good attendance.
“We will be talking about what can be done to save the pub and asking people what events they would like to have at the pub,” she said.
“If the pub were to go it really would create a big hole in the community.
“We do a lot for charity and regularly hold events to raise money for St Michael’s Hospice.
“And for some of the more elderly customers it is the only source of social interaction they have.”
This is not the first time plans for a Co-op store have been discussed for the site.
NewRiver submitted proposals in 2015 but later withdrew them.
Redhill councillor Paul Rone said there are serious highways concerns regarding the proposed access for the shop.
“Highways England have concerns over the plans and have so far said it should not be approved for a specified time,” he said.
“There are serious issues with the access which would lead to cars heading towards the city pulling out across two lanes.”
Neighbouring ward councillor Chris Chappell said the pub was a vital to the community.
“It serves residents from Redhill and Hinton and they do a lot of community work.
“We can’t allow it to close. We will fight the plans even if they go to a planning appeal.”
The public meeting starts at 6pm on February 3 and is open to everyone.