An imposing bank building in the middle of Hereford can be repurposed – though what its new use might be remains unclear.
The former Royal Bank of Scotland at 21 Broad Street has been empty for nearly five years and no longer has a cash machine.
Its owner, the nearby Hereford Cathedral, said it wanted to use county council funding to bring it back into use, including improving the building’s heat efficiency, fixing internal water damage and creating a second front door where the cash machine once stood, to give direct access to the upper floors.
The building is not listed, but several of its neighbours within the city’s conservation area are.
There were no objections to the plan from official or public respondents.
The council’s historic buildings officer Debra Lewis made no objections on heritage grounds, but said the building’s “finely jointed” ground-floor stonework “has been subject to numerous attachments over the years which cumulatively have scarred it”, and that any estate agents’ signs should not add to this.
Giving it her backing, planning officer Eleanor Barry concluded the proposal was “not in conflict” with the county and national planning policy.
No decision appears to have yet been made on the building’s next use, though the cathedral’s application pointed out that to now use it as a shop, café or offices would not require further planning permission.