A historic pub will be lost forever after plans to convert it into apartments were given the green light.
Planning permission was already granted at The Craven Arms Hotel for the extension and and conversion of the first and second floors to form apartments. However, the latest proposal by Rugby Property Assets was for the conversion of the ground floor, consisting of two large bar areas, a breakfast room, a large carvery, kitchen, and toilets.
A design and access statement provided by Base Architects said that, as the building is now vacant and the public house/hotel function has been closed for at least five years, the change of use would not have a detrimental impact to the local community.
“There are also a number of community assets within 400m of the site, including two public houses, namely, The Stables Inn and The Stokesay Inn & B&B,” reads the statement.
The last landlord of the pub was Billing Leisure Ltd, which dissolved in April 2019. The Craven Arms was briefly open between 2019 and 2020 when it was understood to be under the ownership of Scottish & Newcastle Pub Company (now Star Pubs & Bars).
It was sold by Sidney Phillips in 2022 after being closed for two-and-a-half years, with a detailed review to bring the pub back into use. Seven parties viewed it including a number of licences proprietors and developers. However, comments were received relating to the condition of the property and cost of repairs.
“During the initial design and pre-application process, the original sales agent was engaged with to understand the proposed viability for re-opening the public house function on this site,” said Base.
“After a thorough advertising process, there was no interest in the property for the retention of the public house function and that it was ultimately suited as a development opportunity. This was primarily related to the costs for refurbishment of the public house against the potential returns on the investment, ultimately determining that the use was not viable.”
Craven Arms Town Town Council requested that a condition be attached to require that the development shall prominently display signage, similar to the existing worded ‘Craven Arms’, Craven Arms Apartments, or Earl of Craven Apartments’ to reflect the building’s unique and historic role in giving its name.
“With respect to this request, the applicant has confirmed that they are happy in relation to the retention of The Craven Arms in the future naming/signage of the building,” said case officer, Sara Jones.
“As listed building consent is required to remove the existing signage which is an existing architectural feature (or indeed display new signage) this matter may be controlled by the imposition of a suitably worded conditions.”