A plan to build a row of five detached homes in a North Herefordshire village has been given the go-ahead.
The five, along Ford Street, also given as Ludlow Road, on the eastern side of Wigmore, will consist of one two-bedroom, three three-bedroom and one four-bedroom two-storey houses, described in the planning officer’s report as “of a traditional design and of cottage proportions”.
The houses “would have an appearance appropriate to their rural setting and the materials proposed would assimilate with other dwellings found within this part of the street and the surrounding area”, he concluded.
The slim triangle of land is currently unused and overgrown, with a gate at one end and a track running through it. It currently lacks a pavement along the road, which the proposal will remedy.
Manor Developments of Tenbury Wells was granted outline and access approval for the scheme in September 2020, despite seven objections. This decision now approves the details of its layout, scale, appearance, and landscaping, following discussions with officials.
Welsh Water and council highways and drainage officers raised no objection, while ecology and tree officers did not comment.
Wigmore Parish Council said it wanted assurance there was enough capacity at Severn Trent’s sewage treatment, but Severn Trent did not object.