The quality of hospital food, the cleanliness of wards and the privacy and dignity of patients at the county’s hospitals are to be put under the microscope by members of the public in the coming months.
People who have had experience of their local hospital will carry out spot checks as part of a government initiative to drive improvements to hospital environments.
Called the Patient Led Assessment of the Care Environment (PLACE) programme, the inspections of hospital facilities focus on non-clinical issues and look at how the care environment supports patients’ privacy and dignity, food, cleanliness and general building maintenance and decor.
The result of the teams’ unannounced assessments will be published.
The Trust is calling for volunteers who, as well as commenting on the general cleanliness and décor, will also have the opportunity to pass judgement on the quality of hospital food.
Lucy Flanagan, director of nursing at Wye Valley NHS Trust, said: “We welcome the opportunity to open our doors for these unannounced inspections and to receive feedback from the people that count - patients and local people.”
“Volunteer inspectors will need to undertake a one and a half hour training session, to be held on 22 March, 5pm to 6.30pm, and 3 April, 12.30pm to 2pm, at Hereford County Hospital, which will include guidance on their role and the purpose of the PLACE programme, and need to be available for the inspections taking place at each of our four hospital sites.
“The inspections are due to begin soon at Hereford County Hospital, Ross-on-Wye, Leominster and Bromyard Community Hospitals, although no date can be given as they are unannounced.
“If you are interested in taking part and have experience of your local hospital, please call Christine Rees, on either a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, between 9am and 2pm, on 01432 355444 ext 5121 or email by 20 March”.
Guidance from the NHS Commissioning Board stipulates that current hospital staff, and those who have worked for the hospital in the last two years, cannot become members of the inspection teams.
Representatives from local voluntary sector groups and Herefordshire Healthwatch are welcome to become volunteer inspectors along with members of the public.