Bromyard’s former mayoress Clare Davies has been elected as county councillor for the Bromyard West ward, following yesterday’s by-election.
Her tally of 315 votes was more than double that for the second-placed candidate, Nick Ferguson, who polled 152.
Third was “Local Conservatives” candidate Mark Franklin, with 100 votes. Turnout was on the low side, at 23.5 per cent.
The result changes the voting arithmetic on Herefordshire Council, which is controlled by a minority Independents for Herefordshire (IfH) / Greens coalition.
The election arose following the resignation at the start of the year of IfH councillor Alan Seldon.
Nick Ferguson had the backing of the IfH / Greens coalition, and his defeat leaves IfH with 18 councillors, the Greens with seven.
Coun Davies described herself in the campaign as a “True Independent”, a separate, currently five-strong group in the council.
The county has 53 councillors in total.
The Conservative group on the council, who had sought to capitalise on their opposition to the latest council tax rise in the county, said it was “disappointed” in the result.
It said in a statement: “We would like to thank all of those who engaged with us during the campaign.
“Your voice has been heard and the Conservatives will continue to challenge and hold to account the Green Coalition currently in control of Herefordshire Council.
“We look forward the all-out Herefordshire Council elections in May 2023.”