A boarding school near Shrewsbury has been given permission to develop its site.
On behalf of Concord College, Matthew Hodge submitted plans for the demolition of the West End building and Elisabeth House, as well as associated bungalows.
The project at the Acton Burnell site also includes the removal of trees and development of the central dining facility and new boarding house, associated drainage, air source heat pumps, solar panels, hard and soft landscaping, service yard and temporary construction haul route.
Retention of existing temporary classrooms for up to three years and removal prior to occupation of the dining hall are also part of the plans.
Originally founded in 1949 in Sussex following the Second World War, Concord College relocated to Shropshire in 1973 and catered for 90 students.
However, it has since grown to 582 pupils, with a fairly even split of boys and girls. Because of the period of growth, the college proposed to address deficiencies within its building stock, including improving its boarding accommodation to fully comply with safeguarding standards.
Future developments are also being muted, including having a new civic square and swimming pool, and refurbishing the Broadlands building.
Shropshire Council granted approval subject to cinditions being adhere to.
“The works to provide a central dining facility and new boarding house to replace existing buildings would respect and enhance the offer of the educational facility at Concord College contributing to its continued viability,” said a council spokesperson.
“There is an identified need for the works and their scale within this campus location and the designs are appropriate.
“The retention of existing additional temporary classrooms for three years would provide appropriate support during this period of redevelopment without requirement for further temporary structures to be erected.”