Over 500 homes are set to be built on the edge of Bridgnorth after planning permission was granted for the mixed-use ‘Tasley Gateway’ scheme.
Shropshire Council granted outline permission for up to 550 new houses near Tasley, along with a food store, neighbourhood centre, and a hotel, public house, petrol filling and electric vehicle charging station.
The scheme, first proposed in 2021 by applicants Tasley Estates, will also see the eventual demolition of the existing livestock market, set to be relocated to a nearby site as part of the development.
A suite of enabling works, including a new roundabout, and a new spine road set to run through the new proposed development can now get underway after full permission was granted for that part of the scheme.
The developers say detailed plans for the commercial elements of the development, including a proposed new convenience store which is referred to as a “Medium-Sized Discount Foodstore” in a pre-application document, along with a pub, hotel and neighbourhood centre will be brought forward once the roundabout and infrastructure works have been completed.
“The application includes phasing to allow development to be built in 5 phases,” said a planning statement issued by agents Stansgate Planning.
“Early phasing of key infrastructure will allow the development to commence concurrent with reserved matters applications and work on housing north of Church Lane.”
The first phase of the scheme will see the enabling works, including the new roundabout and spine roads completed. An initial phase of housing set to form part of the new ‘neighbourhood centre’ will be built between Wenlock Road and Church Lane, along with the new store and hotel.
The demolition and relocation of the livestock market to a plot of land south of the A458 will occur in the later stages of the scheme, with the remaining housing development slated for the current market site.
“Notwithstanding the proposed public house and restaurant, the proposed mixed use development accords with the proposed uses as set out with the Policy,” said a report by council planning case officer Rachael Evans.
“The principle of a mixed-use development on the application site is therefore established and it is considered that on balance, the proposed hotel use, and public house would be acceptable.
“It is recommended that this application be granted subject to conditions.”
As part of 65 conditions attached to the outline approval, the developer will be required to submit detailed plans for proposed community space, along with planned cycling and walking routes.