Plans for food waste collections powered by bike in Hereford

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Herefordshire Council could be the first local authority in the country to have food waste collected by bike if proposed plans are agreed by cabinet members.

The proposal is set out in a cabinet report on the next steps for the introduction of the new recycling and waste collection service.

The recommendations will be discussed at the cabinet meeting this Thursday.

Under plans, a cargo bike food waste collection is planned for central Hereford. The zero-carbon approach would see kitchen scraps turned into compost.

The council are working towards introducing a new waste and recycling collection service across the county that includes a weekly food collection and fortnightly garden waste collection service, which councils must introduce as part of new government legislation.

Other waste reduction measures include the reusable nappy scheme, which is helping residents with young families reduce nappy waste. Its popularity meant the scheme had to end just 30 days after its April launch date.  


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