Luctonians Rugby Club, North Herefordshire, HR6 9SB
cycling 1336 Miles in 24 hours
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In aid of raising money for 30 players and coaches to tour South Africa in 2026, the U15 rugby team will take turns to cycle the gruelling 1336 miles within 24 hours. They will start on Friday 14th March @ 6pm through to 6pm Saturday 15th March. The route selected follows the Southern Cape via some of the best rugby clubs in the region. However rather than taking in the beautiful views that Cape has to offer, they will be static, at Luctonians RFC grinding the gears and pushing each other to reach the epic goal. Please come and show them your support as well as the Luctonians 1st team who will be playing against Camborne. Luctonians will also be playing the England Vs Wales Rugby Match so there is no excuse not to come.