Council chiefs have agreed to start work on the Hereford southern link road in order to protect planning permission on the site.
Herefordshire Council gave the go-ahead to build the road which would link the A49 Ross road with the A465 Abergavenny road in 2016.
But officers say work needs to begin at the site July 18, 2019, otherwise it would lose its planning permission.
The council has agreed minor works which include fencing, top soiling, excavation and the placing of sub base material along the new road.
Local planners have agreed that the level of works would be sufficient to safeguard the planning permission for the scheme.
The council has set a budget of £60,000 and will commission the works through its public realm contract and fund it through its local transport plan allocation for 2019/20.
This will be funded through a virement from LTP grant in accordance with financial procedure rules.