A partnership between Monmouthshire County Council, Monmouth Town Council, the Royal British Legion, the Royal Monmouthshire Royal Engineers, Rotary Monmouth and other local organisations will commemorate and honour those who contributed to the war effort in Monmouth one hundred years ago.
Funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Trust to support a week’s full programme of events has been secured by the town council.
The programme will focus on Monmouth’s First World War service men and women as well as their families and in addition to concerts and exhibitions, people will be able to join in historical walks, period object handling, poetry and drama.
The programme has been planned by representatives from community organisations including guided walk specialists Walkers are Welcome. The Savoy and The Blake theatres, Monmouth Museum and Shire Hall, with its emotive handcrafted poppy display, will host events while Monmouth’s churches will provide opportunities for remembrance and local primary schools will participate in activities and learning related to the Great War.
Among the highlights are a firework display at the town’s annual Rotary bonfire night on Monday 5th November, a performance by Monmouth Male Voice Choir with Monmouth Town Band at the Blake Theatre on Friday, November 2nd, an exhibition of model tanks at Shire Hall decorated by pupils from Kymin View, Osbaston and Overmonnow primary schools and a series of lectures and screening of contemporary silent films at the Bridges Centre.
The week’s events will culminate in the annual Remembrance Parade on Sunday 11th November and a recreation of the Armistice announcement made by the Mayor of Monmouth, William Sambrook in November 1918.
Meanwhile, Monmouth Museum is appealing for information on family members who served or contributed to the war effort so they may be included in the town’s roll of honour. Residents and relations are requested to contact the museum with any relevant photographs and relevant documents.
Monmouthshire’s Armed Forces Champion, Councillor Laura Jones said: “Monmouth has long been associated with the armed forces and it is a fitting location for us to remember the sacrifices and achievements of those who served a century ago. I’d like to say a big thank you to all those organisations who have come together to arrange the week’s activities and offer grateful appreciation to the Armed Forces Covenant Trust for its support.”
For more information and updates on Monmouth's World War One community commemorations and how to take part, log on to Twitter @Monmouth_1 or the MonmouthPoppies2018 Facebook page.