Staffing levels have dropped at Shropshire Council by almost a quarter in the last three years, saving £18.7 million.
The authority said a shift to digital working has helped reduce costs at the council as it aims to bring work systems up to date and offer residents a range of services they can access from their phone or computer.
As a result, the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee heard that the council has become “leaner” with a 23 per cent reduction in staffing levels since 2016.
Michele Leith, director of workforce, said: “Since the original business case in 2016, Shropshire Council has become a much leaner organisation.
“Overall full-time equivalent staffing levels have decreased by 23 per cent in this period.
“Based on average salary, this equates to £18.7m of savings.
“While we cannot directly attribute these savings to the Digital Transformation Programme, we can assume that our strategy (including DTP) is helping to deliver operational efficiencies for the organisation.
“Shropshire’s ICT Digital Transformation Programme was approved by council in July 2016.
“This programme had the stated desire to deliver services at the highest quality and lowest cost compared to other authorities in everything that it does.
“This included transforming IT systems, reshaping services and ‘back office’ functions, reducing costs, removing duplication, improving efficiency, reducing business continuity risk and enabling more effective service delivery across a rural geography.”
She added: “Of course, technology is only part of the story.
“Transformation and the savings associated with it will only be achieved if we have a skilled and motivated workforce that can use technology to deliver efficient services.
“With all this in mind, alongside the Digital Transformation Programme, the council is also delivering a workforce transformation programme that is made up of three key elements: reviewing and reshaping the way we work together to best meet our future purpose; understanding and addressing how the council is perceived by the community; and ensuring we develop and attract the skills needed for the council of tomorrow. “
She told the Performance Management Scrutiny Committee that council workers will need to adapt.
“Council employees of the future will need to be comfortable working in a much flatter structure with less hierarchy and more autonomy to make decisions,” she said.
“They will need to be customer focused, regularly engaging their customers and working across traditional business silos to deliver results.
“As a business, the council will need more leaders and fewer managers in the future.
“Staff that work hard, use their initiative and innovate will be rewarded.
“Ultimately, we will need a skilled, engaged, motivated and supported workforce that is equipped to work together to deliver excellent services to Shropshire residents in the most efficient way possible.”