Changes will be made to a zebra crossing described as “invisible” to approaching drivers as it isn’t painted on the road.
Rather than using the traditional format of painting thick white blocks on the carriageway the crossing is marked out with paving stones in a dark and lighter grey.
Residents who say drivers cannot see the markings, which are also supported by flashing bollards, petitioned their local authority to reconsider.
Maxine Mitchell said: “In bad weather, or especially in the evenings, it is invisible to people trying to use it and to motorists.”
The crossing is from Caldicot’s main shopping centre, on Newport Road by the Cross pub, for pedestrians to cross Sandy Lane and created by
Monmouthshire County Council as part of a regeneration scheme. It has now said it accepts the markings need to be made clearer.
The scheme also included traffic calming measures on Church Road which is on the opposite side of Sandy Lane to the Newport Road shops and the pub.
Ms Mitchell, who is mayor of Caldicot Town Council, spoke on behalf of local residents at a Monmouthshire County Council scrutiny committee which considered the petition.
She said the town is “grateful” for the regeneration scheme but added: “Residents approach me regularly as they can’t see the crossing and cars are not stopping for them.”
She asked for a “clear, visible crossing, black and white painted.”
Sue Prescott, who works at the Citizen’s Advice Bureau, on the opposite side of Sandy Lane to The Cross told the committee its position between two bus stops, near the junction of Church Road, is also problematic.
She said: “When the bus stops cars have to overtake it and it’s those overtaking cars that don’t see the grey zebra crossing. We’ve had cars toot us when trying to cross the road.”
The petition also called for double yellow lines to be laid on the road, near the crossing, rather than only relying on signs to make drivers aware it is a no parking zone.
Cllr Sara Burch, Monmouthshire council’s cabinet member, said the scheme had made the area “more appealing” but said: “It’s clearly not working as intended in achieving the objective of trying to slow traffic and provide a better environment up Church Road.”
The Labour member added: “I think we have to apologise it has actually taken a petition for these concerns to be addressed.”
Council officer Debra Hill-Howells said it accepted the lighter grey bricks aren’t as distinct “as we would like”.
She said the council is now investigating how to make the crossing brighter “whether that be painting or a different surface”. She also said it wants a solution that doesn’t require constant maintenance and the council intends carrying out the work as soon as possible.
Pedestrians in Caldicot had mixed views on the crossing.
Mark Olney, of Caerwent, said the council should “get rid” of the crossing he described as a “joke and a liability”.
He said it is badly located near a T-junction and said: “Drivers don’t see people until they are halfway across the crossing.”
Others raised concerns around it being close to the T-junction and only a short distance from another zebra crossing as well as the impact of traffic calming measures on Church Road that have resulted in cars queuing to turn from Sandy Lane.
One woman crossing Sandy Lane on foot said she uses the crossing four times a day and said: “As long as you are aware you can’t just step right out it’s okay but you can’t assume drivers will stop.”
When the petition was presented to the council one of the illuminated bollards was broken but that has since been repaired.