Residents wishing to contact Gwent Police can now do so at Monmouthshire County Council’s one stop shop in the centre of Abergavenny town centre.
A police contact point is now available at the facility during normal opening hours. Visitors can make routine enquiries, report crime, receive advice and guidance, produce documents, and leave messages for officers and staff.
The Police and Commissioner for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert, said: “The changes in Abergavenny will allow the public to have access to information, support and advice on a multitude of services at a town centre location. Gwent Police will continue to have a strong, visible presence in the town and I would like to thank Monmouthshire County Council for its support. This is an excellent example of public sector partnership working.”
The move to the one stop shop is part of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s estate strategy to develop facilities that reflect the needs of policing in the modern era.
The previous police facility in the town is no longer fit for purpose and was sold last year. Local councillors were recently invited to see the condition of the former facility and the benefits of moving to a shared facility.
Local Policing Area Commander, Superintendent Ian Roberts said: “We are committed to delivering effective policing services in the modern age, utilising new technology and up-to-date working practices to safeguard and reassure the public. The move to the one stop shop is a cost effective way of ensuring visibility and having a base with a front counter service within the town centre. It will also allow residents to easily access lots of public services from one place, under one roof.”
The one stop shop is located at Abergavenny Town Hall and a wide range of council services are also available at the facility.
The cabinet member for governance, councillor Paul Jordan, said: “We’re pleased to welcome our partners at Gwent Police to the one stop shop in Abergavenny. By working together, we can help address the things that matter to local communities and provide good customer experiences to our residents. This is a great example of how we’re working with our public service board partners to help our communities thrive.”
The one stop shop is open:
• Monday 9am–5pm
• Tuesday 9am–5pm
• Wednesday 9.30am–5pm
• Thursday 9am–5pm
• Friday 9am–4.30pm