A parish council chairman who told a fellow councillor ‘if he did it again, I would sit him on his arse’ has been found in breach of the code of conduct.
Herefordshire Council’s monitoring officer deemed Pencombe group parish councillor Tony Brazier’s statement could be interpreted as a threat to assault Councillor Tony French.
The monitoring officer considered the complaint alleging that coun Brazier may have acted in breach of the code of conduct for members on August 7.
The monitoring officer along with the appointed independent, who was consulted, both concluded that Councillor Brazier did breach the code of conduct.
Councillor Brazier apologised at the parish council meeting on June but Herefordshire Council felt a written apology for the behaviour should be provided to coun French.
Coun Brazier said: “I apologised for losing my temper. I should have risen above it, but I didn’t.”