The cost of a full revamp of Chepstow Leisure Centre cafe “would be much higher than the sum of money previously indicated”, so the county council will consider a minor refurbishment instead.
Plans previously put forward by Monmouthshire County Council for a revamp of Chepstow Leisure Centre included an improvement to the cafe and reception area.
The council’s cabinet had previously agreed to conduct a feasibility study, to see if the scheme was viable.
However, a report which will be considered by cabinet on Wednesday says discussions with the developer Alliance Leisure Services (ALS) has indicated it’s not.
The report says: “Ongoing discussions with ALS suggest that the costs of refurbishment would be much higher than the sum of money previously indicated and therefore the business case for refurbishment of the café area and reception is not supported by enough of an increase in membership or increased net profit on retail and café sales.”
Memberships at Chepstow Leisure Centre have fallen by more than 30 per cent since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
In February 2020, the leisure centre had 1,650 members, but by May of this year the figure was down to 1,139. This does not include memberships that have been frozen over the course of the coronavirus pandemic.
If approved, minor refurbishment of the cafe will instead take place, costing around £225,000.
Fitness equipment would also be updated with a cost of £275,000.
The scheme was originally intended to improve the food and drink offer at the leisure centre and to create a more open and customer-friendly experience.
The report says: “The fitness facilities require an upgrade to the cardiovascular equipment with investment required into group exercise classes.
“This would be a similar offer to Monmouth Leisure Centre where we have seen an increased uptake for group exercise classes, increased memberships and additional part time employment opportunities.”
A decision on whether to recommend that full council release the funding necessary for the revamp, will be made by the council’s cabinet on Wednesday (July 7).