Plans for a new housing development in a Shropshire village have been rejected despite pleas from locals who said more homes were needed in the area.
Shropshire Council said the proposals for 18 properties at Bank Farm in Worthen would see the village exceed its housing targets.
Concerns were also raised about the impact on the Grade-II listed Worthen Hall Farmhouse directly opposite.
The plans had attracted 13 letters of support, though the parish council and five members of the public objected.
Supporters urged planners to grant permission for the scheme, saying young people were being forced out of the area where they grew up due to a lack of new homes.
Lillie Ratcliffe said: “I would love to keep living in this beautiful slice of heaven I grew up in, my horses are here, my family is here and all my friends are a stone’s throw away.
“This new build development would give me and many others like me the opportunity to stay.”
Elizabeth Adkins said: “I have lived in the area surrounding the village all of my life and would like to be able to afford to buy my own house rather than just renting.”
And Steve Morris said: “I have known a number of people who have wanted to live in the village but housing wasn’t available.
“My family and I are pleased to see a proposal for more housing to encourage families to join our village and help it thrive and in doing so benefit the school, church, shop and community.”
Ruth Nicholls, who rents her home, said: “I have lived locally all of my life and like many other young people and long-term renters, would like the opportunity to buy property in the village.
“This development would help to encourage and allow young families to move to and remain in the area.”
And Dev Bowen said: “This development will benefit the area in many ways, but will ultimately result in more young people, like myself being able to buy and remain living locally.”
However the parish council said local infrastructure could not cope with the increase, and also raised concerns over road safety.
It said: “This parish council, the local policing team and Shropshire Council has well-documented evidence to support the danger of the highway through Worthen and Brockton.
“The road and pavement is too narrow in places, cars do not adhere to the 30mph speed limit and there has been a huge uplift in HGVs travelling the B4386.
“Services accessed by foot from the proposed site would involve crossing this very busy road at least once and twice to reach the school and doctors. Sadly, this village has suffered fatalities both in Worthen and Brockton and many minor accidents and near misses.
“Indeed, most residents drive to access the shop, doctors and school site because of the dangers of walking or cycling.”