Around 4.3 million items of personal protective equipment have been distributed in Monmouthshire since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
While many services were put on hold so the council could focus on the immediate response to the pandemic, those that were still in public facing roles were handed items of PPE to protect themselves. This includes gloves, aprons and masks.
A report on the council’s response says staff can receive a test if they display any symptoms.
The report details the council’s response and success in relation to test and trace, looked after children, and vaccinations.
How successful has track and trace been?
Gwent operates on a regional level to manage the track and trace system, which aims to identify close contacts of those who have tested positive for coronavirus.
Since December, all eligible cases have been contacted, with 84 per cent within 48 hours of contact with the virus.
All eligible close contacts of new cases have also been contacted by the track and trace system – 87 per cent within 48 hours.
What impact has there been on children living in care?
While the pandemic has had a positive impact on Monmouthshire council’s ability to recruit, there have been some pressures.
The report on the council’s response says: “Pressure on care at home services and reablement services has increased during the winter and the second wave of the pandemic, with an average of 26 requests per week to provide domiciliary (at home) care.”
Since December, the council has been contacted on average 108 times a week in relation to children and young people in the social services department.
What process has there been on vaccinations?
By the beginning of May, 93.9 per cent of residents in Monmouthshire over 50 had received one dose of the vaccination and 53.2 per cent had received two doses.
Residents and staff in care homes for older adults, along with front line health and social care workers have all been offered the coronavirus vaccine because they are in the top priority groups.
What has been the financial impact?
A coronavirus related overspend of £5.28 million was forecast after the third quarter of the 2020/21 financial year.
However, the council received £5.29 million of Welsh Government funding to cover the cost.
Increases in grant funding has also helped the council’s position, but the end of year accounts for 2020/21 are yet to be released by the council.