Local MP David TC Davies has been unanimously selected by the Monmouthshire Selection Council of the Conservative Party to stand at the next general election as the Conservative candidate for the Monmouthshire constituency.
Mr Davies currently sits in Cabinet as the Secretary of State for Wales. He is a Welsh speaker who lives in Monmouth with his wife and three children and has been the area’s MP for the last 17 years. It is likely that at the next election the boundaries of the seat will change slightly and will be renamed the Monmouthshire constituency.
Speaking after the meeting Mr Davies said: “I am hugely honoured to have had the support of the Monmouth Conservative Association to stand again as the candidate. I have always lived in Monmouth, and although the job means being in London for a lot of the time, I am always back every week to visit businesses and other organisations, to attend local events and of course to hold advice surgeries with constituents.
The last few years have been very challenging for the Government with the Covid pandemic then the war in Ukraine which has pushed up inflation and energy prices having an impact on householders and businesses. As a UK Government Minister, I have always strongly emphasised the need to do what we can to help the least well off and I was pleased with the recent rise in pensions benefits and the minimum wage in line with inflation as well as the energy guarantee which is limiting the impact of energy prices rises.
Locally, I would like to see Monmouthshire County Council using their influence with Welsh Government to prevent the proposed revaluation of Council Taxes which is likely to be hugely costly to homeowners here. We also need to get the Welsh Government to lift its ban on new roads so that we can sort out the issue of traffic congestion in Chepstow.
Monmouthshire is a wonderful place to live, and I will continue to work hard between now and the election to demonstrate my absolute commitment to the constituency.”