People in Leominster have the chance of winning a small hamper of local produce this Christmas if they take part in the town council’s budget consultation.
Town councillors agreed to extend their survey on how to spend local taxpayers’ money for another two weeks after only 38 residents filled it in.
They believe the national coronavirus restrictions have hampered public participation this year.
But councillors are keen to get as many views as possible before they set the town council tax precept for 2020/21.
Mayor Clive Thomas told last night’s (November 30) full council meeting that they wanted to encourage people to take part in the consultation.
The lucky hamper winner will be selected at random from the participants who complete the survey.
Councillor Russell Sutcliffe said: “It’s a treat given the present economic and social conditions.
“Normally, we can have a pleasant chat with someone face to face but here we are making a special effort to give people a treat.”
Councillor Jenny Bartlett said: “It’s just a small thing. We’ve got the stock in the tourist information centre. We can put our stock in it and absorb the cost ourselves.”
Leominster North and Rural ward county councillor John Stone said it was a great idea that he fully supported.
“Please support the shops, cafes and businesses in Leominster as much as possible over the next few weeks,” he said.
Town clerk Julie Debbage said people who have already taken part in the survey will be asked to email the town council separately with their postcodes to make sure they are included in the draw.
To view and take part in the budget consultation please visit the following link https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LTCbudget2021-22
For more information visit www.leominstertowncouncil.gov.uk