Housing plans which would compound ‘diabolical’ parking problems on a ‘dangerous’ residential town street are expected to be rejected.
Herefordshire Council planning officers say they have objections to the proposals which would see 10 homes built on a 1.5-acre paddock off Merrivale Lane in Ross-on-Wye.
The Ruth Lilian McQueen Keohane Discretionary Trust wants to develop the site which is currently used for grazing and contains a row of trees and a small stable.
But dozens of residents have objected and ward councillor Phil Cutter says the scheme should be rejected.
He said: “I’ve been consulted by the planning officer who has recommended refusal the application and I support them.”
In an email to coun Cutter, planning officer Carl Brace said their position was to reject the scheme based on the housing mix and an inefficient use of land which avoids planning obligations and affordable housing contributions.
Speaking at a town council meeting last year, Danny Haines, of Princess Way, said he found it was like a nightmare coming off Alton Street to go across Merrivale.
“The proposal is looking to bring an access road and T junction onto what is effectively a single track lane. It is very dangerous and needs to be re-engineered.”
Another resident said parking issues were diabolical and the road was very dangerous.
Architects working for the scheme say the housing estate would be formed around a cul-de-sac street and would use trees as screening between the homes.
The proposals include a range of three to four-bedroom homes, each would have a garage and the materials are expected to complement the prevailing vernacular found in the conservation area.
The scheme includes the creation of a T-junction onto Merrivale Lane as a means of accessing the site.