Herefordshire Council has today put its smallholdings estate on the market. The sale of the estate will generate capital and give the council the opportunity to reduce its historic borrowings.
59 lots have been marketed in total, and the council continues to follow the recommendations provided by Fisher German, its appointed agent.
The smallholdings estate is subject to open market competition. All tenants who have expressed an interest will have the opportunity to bid for their own farm, and will continue to have the opportunity for the duration of the sale.
Farm Business Tenants have been granted a lease extension until September 2017, and end of tenancy compensation settlements for these tenants are being finalised.
Councillor Harry Bramer, Cabinet Member for Contracts and Assets, said: "The council is committed to its duty of care to the local community and to tenants. As we find alternative ways to fund the statutory services we have to provide, we need to prioritise which activities the council can support.
"The smallholdings disposal plan will help us ensure best value for money for taxpayers."
Herefordshire Council and Fisher German will continue to support and update existing tenants during the sales process, which is expected to last until September 2017. Further information about the marketed lots is available on the Fisher German website at: www.fgherefordfarmsales.com