A Herefordshire campsite has been granted a licence to sell alcohol until 10pm, despite neighbours’ concerns about possible rowdy behaviour as a result.
Members of Herefordshire Council’s licensing sub-committee needed a visit to Tresseck Campsite, by the river Wye at Hoarwithy, before confirming the granting of a licence this week.
In the event, having gained assurances from the campsite owners on a number of issues, the outstanding question was whether the campsite bar should be obliged to use single-use plastic glasses for takeaway sales – a police request which the campsite had agreed to.
“We would prefer not to have plastic cups,” Jeff Goulding of the campsite said.
“We are not serving draught drinks, and I’d rather we didn’t have to pour the contents from a glass bottle into a plastic cup to then be thrown into the skip. It’s a waste of plastic when we’re all trying to reduce that.”
Committee member Coun Jeremey Milln said he “applauded the sentiment” and suggested the condition be removed.
But council solicitor Alice McAlpine said the condition “was agreed by the applicant, and I don’t think it’s appropriate to then ask the licensing authority to then dis-apply it”.
The licensing committee did however add a further condition that the campsite carry out daily checks for litter in the area.
Other concerns lodged by neighbours that the licence would lead to “excessive drinking with associated rowdiness and the potential for criminal acts”, or to “possible accidental drowning of children and or adults who have over-imbibed”, appeared to have been dispelled by the site visit.
The move enables the campsite to sell alcohol seven days a week during its season between the start of March and end of October.