Hereford Rugby Club have been given the green light to make improvements at their ground and extend the clubhouse.
The club are planning to relocate their bar to the large cellar at their Wyeside Playing Fields ground which will allow it to be securely locked.
The proposals include extending the bar area forward under the stands across the top step that is level with the clubhouse in line with the front of the changing rooms to the north of the building.
The scheme includes creating a new cellar with raised storage areas to prevent it from getting flooded.
The plans will also provide extra balcony areas and increase entrances into the building.
And the east facing elevation will be moved forward to increase clubhouse floor area and remove an area that has been vandalised.
A new doorway will replace the existing window to the north of the building and a new steel staircase will be provide access to the changing rooms direct to the pitches.
Also, a new double doorway will provide direct access to the kitchen dining room – this is part of the older pavilion section of the building.
To avoid multiple stairs, a single staircase will lead to a raised balcony that provides access to the bar, hallway and kitchen area.
Ward councillor Diana Toynbee said in a written statement read out at today’s (August 26) planning committee meeting that she endorsed the council officer’s recommendation to approve the scheme.
“I have been very impressed by the work done by the rugby club and their volunteers in repairing and recovering after the dramatic flooding that we experienced in Greyfriars six months ago.
Councillor Terry James proposed approving the plans.
“This is an uncontroversial proposal. It provides enormous facilities and benefits to the city and county as a whole.
“I wholeheartedly endorse the recommendation.”
This was seconded by councillor Tony Johnson and was approved unanimously by the committee.