Gloucestershire’s chief fire officer says he can make change in the fire service after Government inspectors found the service is ‘inadequate’ at keeping people safe.
Wayne Bowcock, the senior officer at Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service, took up the role in March this year following the resignation of former chief fire officer Stewart Edgar who quit over the sale of a service-owned Land Rover last year.
A Government report from an inspection in June, released today, found GFRS requires ‘urgent improvement’ and also said it has a culture of bullying and harassment.
HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) mentioned GFRS had “distressing examples of previous bullying and harassment by senior leaders,” which included staff being “humiliated” in front of peers.
Those managers, the report added, threatened “demotion of temporary promoted managers if they didn’t carry out certain leaders’ wishes.”
Mr Bowcock said employees who behaved in an inappropriate manner “have left the organisation,” adding the behaviour “won’t be tolerated”.
A staff survey carried out, with 139 respondents, found 41 per cent of people were feeling bullied or harassed and 32 per cent feeling discriminated against at work in the last 12 months.
“This had resulted in staff not trusting managers,” the report said.
The Inspector also said Gloucestershire, classed as significantly rural, has the “longest response times” to home fires at nine minutes 43 seconds and to primary fires at 11 minutes three seconds.
Mr Bowcock said this was due to the “rurality” of Gloucestershire and changing communities.
They also found positives, including that the service had “by quite a margin, the biggest proportion of female firefighters in England”.
However after a revisit last month, the Inspector found “real progress” had been made and another inspection will take place next year.
Gloucestershire police and crime commissioner Martin Surl, who is pushing for merging the governance of the county’s fire and police services, said he is “not suprised by the report”.
The final decision to join the two departments will be made by the Home Office, and county councillor David Norman said he will “101 per cent fight against it”.
Chief fire officer Wayne Bowcock: “Since the point I was interviewed last October, all of the information that was available has been shared with me.
“I absolutely came into this job with my eyes open, relish the challenge, believe that I can make the difference, and create the environment and culture in this organisation where we can address these issues.
“Is there more to fix than myself and the county council thought? Yes. But it doesn’t alter the commitment to getting this right, but also the commitment to making sure on a day-to-day basis the public gets the service they require and deserve.
“We have been doing that to be the best of our ability since the day I arrived in March, and the dedication of the staff is commendable.”
‘We are moving in the right direction’
The Inspector rated GFRS’ promotion of the right values and culture ‘inadequate’, adding the values are “tarnished and are not credible with staff”.
Most staff are positive the service is “making a fresh start” to change, but they are “still cautious” due to concerns about management, the report continued.
The fire service and Gloucestershire County Council, which runs it, will be aligning values in future as part of a new programme of change.
Mr Bowcock said: “People have left the organisation who were exhibiting that kind of behaviour, and I can assure you that since I’ve been here, I’ve been absolutely clear that that won’t be tolerated.
“I genuinely believe the culture is changing already and people do understand what’s expected of them. Since I’ve been here there have also been disciplinary cases, and they’ve been dealt with swiftly and robustly, and in accordance with the values of the county council.
“We know culture change is slow and difficult, and it takes time for people to trust. We are in a significantly better place now in December than we were in June.
“We know we’re moving in the right direction, it’s by no means a finished piece of work. We’re at the start of a journey as opposed to the end, but the direction of travel is really positive.”
Mr Bowcock: “It’s something we’re going to look into far more closely. The way the Home Office response times shows that we are marginally slower than some other rural areas.
“We do have issues in terms of recruiting on-call firefighters because of the geography of Gloucestershire. Particularly the River Severn and the stations situated at the west of the Severn are quite isolated. The communities who live around on-call fire stations have changed immensely in the last 50, 60 and 70 years.
“Where people used to live near or work within their communities, that’s changed across the country. But the reason the situation has compounded in Gloucestershire is that a lot of people who live in those smaller, rural communities, will commute out to Bristol or Gloucester for work.
“They’re not as available for work. What we then have to do is increase the length of time we allow people to respond to station because they’re coming from further away. Otherwise we have no fire engine at all.
“Because we respond to a low number of incidents, when you analyse the data, the percentage of times we respond slightly lower might look higher. Notwithstanding the home office do take a time measure, and that’s because of the rurality of the area.”