More than 60,000 homes across Herefordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire have invested in forensic property marking.
The We Don’t Buy Crime initiative was first launched in 2015 with Cleobury Mortimer in South Shropshire becoming the first ever We Don’t Buy Crime town.
Since then, hundreds of towns and villages across West Mercia Police have signed up with residents in those areas offered free SmartWater forensic property marking kits. Signage is also displayed throughout the area warning would be thieves the area has taken crime prevention measures. The initiative is funded for by towns and parish councils and West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner, John Campion.
In addition to 60,592 homes registered, 827 commercial properties and 50 farms across the counties covered by West Mercia Police have also signed up to the initiative.
Local Policing Chief Superintendent Paul Moxley said: “We know the devastating impact being a victim of burglary can have and are committed to making sure we work with local communities across our many towns and villages to together take preventative measures and do everything we can to deter burglars.
“Compared to 19/20*, there has been a 25 per cent reduction in the number of house burglaries across the force so far this year, and while this is great news, it does not mean we are complacent.
“Not only is it important we do everything we can to prevent burglary in the first instance, it is also important, in the unfortunate event someone is a victim of a house burglary, we offer them support. All victims of house burglary will be visited by an officer from their local safer neighbourhood team who will offer reassurance around our response, and provide them with a We Don’t Buy Crime pack, which along with a free property marking kit includes advice and support.”
West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner, John Campion, said: “Many people that have used SmartWater, and are now living in a ‘We Don’t Buy Crime’ area feel more reassured. I am proud to support this project as it not only continues my commitment to reduce crime but also helps our community feel safer and I encourage you to sign up through your local parish council or contact WeDontBuyCrime@westmercia.police.uk.”