County education chiefs say the extra costs to schools caused by the coronavirus pandemic are yet to be quantified.
Speaking at today’s (October 23) Herefordshire school’s forum, strategic finance manager Malcolm Green said they have written to the Department for Education about the financial impact Covid-19 is having on the sector.
Teachers are concerned about the extra running costs for schools and the potential impact on staffing.
“Obviously Covid-19 will increase schools’ expenditure,” Chris Lewandowski, who represents trade unions on the committee, said.
“Is it possible yet to quantify yet the additional costs? And what are the longer-term financial risks associated with Covid-19 expenditure in schools.”
Mr Green said the short answer was no.
“We haven’t quantified any additional costs,” he said.
“The DfE have had a scheme in place in the summer term for schools to bid in for recompense or additional spending on premises factors, costs extra cleaning costs and such.”
He said the F40 group, which is made up of 42 local authorities who are among the lowest funded for education in England, has written to the DfE pointing out the extra costs.
They have called on them to take into account extra costs such as higher heting bills over winter.
“Believe it or not, one county said could the DfE take into account extra cesspit emptying costs because of the increased water and washing hands have increased those costs,” Mr Green said.
“The DfE are well aware of the extra costs incurred by schools and we wait to see what the outcome of any extension of the costs scheme for schools might come from the DfE.
“Clearly schools that have higher balances are more able to stand financial shocks and bear extra costs.
“But at the moment it’s a national picture and we wait to hear something from the DfE.
“The council doesn’t really have any extra funds to put into schools.
“The regulations don’ allow us to do so, we are dependent on the DfE.”
Members said they would discuss the issue further at their next meeting.
“One of the greatest fears is going to be staffing costs if they become ill, you’ve got to cover them,” Mr Lewandowski said.