More than one million bus trips a year are subsidised by Herefordshire Council, councillors have revealed.
The figures were released in a response to a public question at last week’s full council meeting.
Councillors revealed that of the three million bus journeys made in the county each year, around 37% of them are supported by the taxpayer.
The subsidy paid towards bus routes for the last four years will total £2.8m by the end of the next financial year.
While concessionary travel costs total £5.3m for the same period and the publicity bill stands at £252,000.
Transport and regulatory services cabinet member Barry Durkin said: “The council provides significant financial support for bus use within the county.
“This includes direct subsidy of bus services which are not commercially viable but provide important access and mobility for local residents, the cost of support the concessionary travel scheme which provides free travel on buses for old age pensioners and disabled people and funds used to promote bus services.”
He said the council has identified the need to continue supporting a core network of bus services between the market towns, larger villages and Hereford on a regular pattern during the day from Monday to Saturday.
“Our aim, in the context of reducing public sector funding, is to protect this network,” he said.
“We are currently able to support a more extensive network through conventional, rural bus services but our ability to maintain this network will be subject to funding.”
The council also makes a substantial contribution to supporting free transport through the English National Concessionary travel Scheme, in addition to directly supported services.
This includes reimbursing operators for pass holders using both council supported bus services and those that are operated commercially.
In 2017/18 pass holders undertook just under one million journeys and there are over 28,000 registered pass holders in the county.
These figures do not include subsidies relating to children and young people’s travel to school/college.