County council chiefs have dismissed concerns over a telecommunications mast in a village near Hereford.
Local resident Steve Williams raised concerns over the mast which was placed in the playing field of Marden Primary School.
He said several European countries and a number of local authorities in the U.K. have banned the construction of masts of any description within the vicinity of Schools and public playgrounds.
“Can you let us know what is this authority’s policy in respect of this matter?” Mr Williams asked.
“We have been advised by our solicitor to write to you to clarify the situation.
“As you are aware, we and many residents of Marden have concerns regarding the siting of the Mast in the playing field of Marden Primary School.”
Cabinet member health and adult wellbeing Pauline Crockett said Herefordshire Council planning follows national guidance when considering any plans for mobile phone masts or the like.
“The mast in Marden was made as a ‘prior notification’ application in 2017, which is the appropriate ‘fast track’ procedure laid down in statute which our officers have no option but to follow,” she said.
“Planning officers were made aware of concerns from the local community and took this into account in the balance and determination of the application.
“However, having carefully considered all the information submitted in support of the application, the officers were satisfied that the mast and its location conformed to the nationally accepted safety standards.
“Although I have much empathy with the local community on this matter, unfortunately Herefordshire Council would not be permitted to have a planning policy which enables it to ignore or overrule national planning policy.
“The council is provided with expert advice from Public Health England on the latest evidence of potential health impacts of 5G masts, which is available on the councils website if further information is required.
“Public Health England is committed to monitoring the evidence applicable to this and other radio technologies, and to revising its advice, should that be necessary.”