Plans to invest ‘more than £50million’ on a shopping area in Worcester have been dropped by the Forest of Dean District Council, the authority confirmed.
The district council was hoping to use the money gained from the investment to plug a financial blackhole worth £1.2million.
The shopping square, which hosts branches such as H&M and cocktail bar All Bar One, is approximately 40miles away from the Forest of Dean and the authority hoped to borrow more than £50million to invest in it, sources within the district council have confirmed to the Local Democracy Reporting Service.
The district council said it was forced to pull the plans after the Government imposed an interest rate rise on cheap Treasury loans which town halls use for investments.
A decision to progress the deal was controversially struck in private by full council in September, which saw the vote tied and passed by the chairman’s passing vote.
Council leader Tim Gwilliam issued a statement following the meeting saying the deal was “needed for us to survive” but “we wish we didn’t have to do it”.
Forest residents have raised concerns in the past about the authority making deals with land and properties outside the county, including an industrial estate unit near former Prime Minister David Cameron’s house in Oxfordshire.
On September 27, Mr Gwilliam said the investment could “significantly lower” or “wipe out totally” the authority’s deficit.
The district council faces a blackhole of £1.2million between 2019 to 2023 due to “huge” and “ever increasing” Government support grant cuts.
The authority was planning to use the money from the Public Works Loan Board, a national government body, to make the investment before the department announced earlier this month a one percentage point increase.
A spokeswoman for the district council said: “The Council is considering a number of ways to increase its income in the light of the continuing reduction in government grant.
“Where we are considering a property purchase, these are commercial transactions and until such time as the deal is concluded may involve negotiations of a confidential nature as in this case.
“The Local Government Act allows local authorities to consider reports in private session in such circumstances.
“That is not a Cabinet decision, but one made by Council on the advice from our professional officers. The consideration of the minutes of such meetings is similarly held in private session so that the confidential information is not disclosed.
“The minutes of the meeting are a record of the main points of the discussion that took place, they are not a verbatim record.
“Members are specifically asked to consider the accuracy of those minutes. In this case they set out clearly the main points of the discussion on the 26 September, both for and against the proposal in the report.
“The majority of members agreed that was the case and the minutes were approved. “