People in Ross-on-Wye are being encourage to come up with projects to enhance the town centre.
The Ross Town Team is inviting individuals and groups, who have plans which would encourage people to visit or stay longer in the market town, to apply for grants to help make them a reality.
Applications for grants up to £3000 will be considered so long as they fit the sustainability criteria.
Town Team member Caroline Utting said: “The money was given to finance projects that improve the town centre.
“Applicants need to show their project would have an ongoing, positive effect. One off events won’t be considered.”
You can get an application form by emailing rosstownteam2020@gmail.com.
The deadline for returning completed forms is September 14, 2020.
Previously grants have been allocated for visitor maps and trails, a town centre apprentice and new market stalls and trailer.
Completed application forms should be emailed back to the town team or they can be posted to the Town Council office (The Corn Exchange, 7 High St, Ross-on-Wye HR9 7HL), marked for the attention of the Ross Town Team.