Abergavenny Castle will hark back over 700 years on Saturday 9th June as it hosts a re-enactment of the period of medieval history during the One Hundred Years War.
The event will run from 11am to 4pm.
Back by popular demand, re-enactment society The Freeman of Gwent will set up camp in the grounds and offer practical demonstrations during the day illustrating why the longbow was so feared, an opportunity to chat with medieval cooks and a close look at the living quarters of knights and soldiers as well as what they wore and how they endured conditions many years ago.
Councillor Bob Greenland, Monmouthshire's cabinet member with responsibility for cultural services said: "This occasion promises to be fun and interesting for all ages as it brings medieval history to life in the surroundings of an ancient Marches castle."
For more information, call 01873 854282, log onto www.abergavennymuseum.co.uk