A greenfield site in a Monmouthshire village could be used for a new housing estate with up to 11 homes.
An area of vacant land off Clearview Court in Shirenewton has been earmarked for development in an outline planning application.
The proposed scheme is mixed use, with seven houses planned to be sold on the open market while four houses would be offered as affordable housing.
A report says: “The scheme represents a suitable and well-integrated form of sustainable development that will provide a mix of much need private and affordable housing in Shirenewton.”
Planning permission for seven houses on the western part of the site remains in place, having been granted by Monmouthshire County Council in January 2017.
The eastern area has also been allocated for development of around five houses under the council’s local development plan.
Proposals show the 1.62-hectare site served by two access points from Clearview Court, with the existing road to Thistledown Barn serving four homes, and a new road serving the remaining seven homes.
A public footpath would also be built along the frontage onto Clearview Court and into the estate.
LRM Planning, acting on behalf of a private developer, launched a consultation on the proposals last November.
Four letters of objections from three Shirenewton residents were received, alongside responses from Shirenewton Community Council.
No response was received from Councillor Louise Brown, Shirenewton’s representative on the county council.
Concerns were raised over the use of Clearview Court as an access road, the number of spaces outlined in an indicative site layout and the proposed drainage strategy.
A transport statement’s conclusion that the development would have a “minimal” impact on the surround transport network has also been disputed.
The application, submitted to the county council last month, will be considered by the authority’s planning committee in the coming months.