The latest local news stories from your community. Got a story?
A bid to put a Herefordshire plant hire business on a lawful footing has been approved despite strong opposition from neighbours.
Lloyds Banking Group is to close a further 136 branches.
A decision to go ahead with a new library and learning centre in Hereford’s Shirehall will mean “a renaissance of one of the most important buildings in Herefordshire”, leader of the county council Coun Jonathan Lester has said.
Local campaigners are pressing for Hereford’s bus station to be turned into new housing rather than a multi-storey car park.
The end of prolonged disruption to a Herefordshire town centre is finally in sight.
A terrace of four houses could replace the office of a Hereford park homes estate.
A closed Herefordshire country pub could turned into a home after a previous bid to revive it failed.
There will be no racing at Hereford today due to flooding on the track.
Several business units have been affected by a large fire at Stanford Bridge.
Flytipping is a “plague” affecting farmers across Worcestershire, councillors have been told.
Local farmers are staging what they're calling a 'National Day of Unity' - urging the government to reconsider changes to inheritance tax.
Permission has been given for an innovative design of house at a prominent Herefordshire spot.
The government agency which checks buses’ roadworthiness has declined to say whether it gave a negative inspection on a Herefordshire bus operator whose services stopped abruptly this week.
A teenager has been identified following last night's false bomb threat in Hereford.
A man charged with the murder of a Hereford man will appear in court later.
An anonymous call was received this evening making a serious threat to Hereford Leisure Centre.
Plans have been put forward for eight new detached houses off a main road near Hereford.
A lack of hospital beds means some patients are being sent “out of area” by an NHS trust.
Herefordshire must push for the so-called moratorium on new building in much of the county to be lifted “as soon as possible”, councillors have urged – saying it makes no practical difference to the state of local rivers.
An NHS trust remains “vigilant” as the risk of cyber-attacks increases.
Lidl has said more about how its controversial new Hereford supermarket will look, after a bid to increase its size was approved.
The family of a man who was found dead in Hereford have paid tribute to a much-loved son, brother, uncle and friend.
Two high-profile planning bids will be decided by Herefordshire councillors next week.
Friday's market in Leominster has been cancelled due to weather warning for strong winds.
A Herefordshire bus operator has dropped its services in the county “with immediate effect” this week, leading to emergency meetings with other operators to step in and maintain services.
A prominent building in a Herefordshire town is poised to be used for social housing.
Police in Herefordshire are appealing for information following a fatal collision at Upper Hill, Bush Bank, yesterday evening.
A vigil has been held for a father-of-two killed by police on Christmas Eve as his family question why police opened fire and say racism could be a factor.
A rural Herefordshire events venue has revealed ambitious expansion plans.
A man remains in custody after being arrested on suspicion of murder.
Mixed signals have recently been given on whether ambitious plans to develop Hereford’s largest ground-level car park for new housing will actually go ahead.
Locals are divided on a plan to build a new Lidl supermarket along with a health centre and nursery on the edge of a North Herefordshire town.
A murder investigation has been launched after a man was found dead at an address in Hereford on Saturday afternoon.
More details have emerged about a plan to install a pontoon on the river Wye in the heart of Hereford.
Herefordshire Council has hit back at charges that it was at fault in the death of a young woman in Hereford, which strongly echoed the death of a young man a year earlier.
A bank has committed to staying in a Herefordshire town following a wave of closures of high street branches in the county.
Firefighters were called to tackle a fire on the Herefordshire and Shropshire border over the weekend.
The revived Herefordshire bypass plan and its attendant 10,000-plus new homes will simply create more traffic, cancelling out any hoped-for easing of congestion in the city, campaigners claim.
Rock band Kula Shaker are the latest act announced for this summer's Lakefest at Eastnor Deer Park.
Police in Monmouthshire are concerned for the welfare of Darren Thurgood, 40, who is reported as missing.
A man has been arrested in connection with a stabbing incident last week in Hereford.
A new group to help food and drink businesses across the Marches work more closely together, develop international markets and access specialist support has been launched at an online event.
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