Forest of Dean District Council wants to change its planning permission for the Cinderford Northern Quarter to allow it to develop the site before the spine road is completed.
The £100m regeneration project which has been decades in the making has faced delays over planning and legal challenges.
The first phase of the spine road and a new campus for Gloucestershire College were completed in 2018 but construction work for the second phase has not yet begun.
Now the council wishes to alter one of the planning conditions which currently restricts development of the site until the spine road which would link to the A4136 is completed.
Cinderford Regeneration Board chairman Graham Morgan said the project would have been completed years ago if not for the legal challenges.
He said the district council will be keen to generate income from the development plots.
“It would have gone through long before now but it’s been taken to court many times,” he said.
“It delayed the project that much that when they built the college, the situation was getting dire because we were losing students to John Kyrle in Ross and to Monmouth.”
A district council spokesperson said it remains their intention to complete the spine road.
If the plans are approved it will allow for earlier investment opportunities in the area.
“Following on from the development of the first phase of the spine road and the new Gloucestershire College campus, the focus is to continue the delivery of the Northern Quarter project,” they said.
“The recent planning submissions if permitted, will allow for earlier investment opportunities at the site, by varying the phases of the spine road delivery.
“It is and has always been the intention to complete the whole of the spine road at the Cinderford Northern Quarter.
“Funding will continue to be sought to complete any future phases.”